7 habits of people who keep it together during uncertain times
7 Habits of People Who Keep It Together During Uncertain Times by Tim Denning I am in awe of a former co-worker. Despite a pandemic and recession, he's acting like the calm [...]
7 Habits of People Who Keep It Together During Uncertain Times by Tim Denning I am in awe of a former co-worker. Despite a pandemic and recession, he's acting like the calm [...]
Dear Leader Put On Your Oxygen Mask First! by Jeff Smith, CEO, Voltage Leadership I have a feeling that this COVID-19 situation is going to be a marathon. I think it will take [...]
COVID-19 Business Impact Special Notice from Virginia Title Center - March 19, 2020 As we prepare for the wide range of outcomes related to this unprecedented time regarding COVID-19, we want to assure [...]
This One Trait Will Destroy Your Leadership by Lolly Daskal from The Leadership Gap - What Gets Between You and Your Greatness There are lots of traits that can harm your leadership. But [...]
Yun: We Can't Rely on Low Mortgage Rates Forever (REALTOR Magazine) Sub-4% rates are improving buyers’ purchasing power now, but higher borrowing costs will come at some point, says NAR’s chief economist. What [...]
10 Home Features That Are Most In Demand from Porch.com A back porch or deck, newly renovated kitchen, and hardwood flooring are among the top home features house hunters say they want most, [...]
Turns out eating lunch alone actually has some major career benefits by Kyle Schnitzer Despite the calming nature of munching on a salad alone, there are actually benefits to dining by yourself as opposed [...]
1031 Exchanges On The Rise - WV Bankers Title and Investors Title Exchange Are Here To Serve You and Your Clients With real estate investing on the rise, a 1031 Exchange is a great [...]
These 9 Biggest Password Mistakes Will Get You In Trouble - Warns Fraud Expert and Ex-con Artist by Frank Abagnale For more than 45 years, I've worked with, advised and consulted with the [...]
Real Estate Wire Fraud Is Real -- And It Almost Happened to Me by Aly J. Yale, Contributor to Forbes It all started with an email. Just days before closing [...]